
The name 'Carpe diem' or 'seize the day' gives you an idea of how Stefaan and Virginie and their team wish to welcome you. Over two years of intensive work were put into conserving the wonderful, typically Flemish surroundings with authentic wooden paneling, stained glass doors and artistic brass work. The result is a tearoom where it is quiet, cosy and nice to be. The intimate patio has a lovely sunterrace. In case of bad weather it can be covered and heated.

Carpe diem offers you a place to escape the tourist bustle, where you can enjoy coffee with delicious cakes, waffles, pancakes, ice cream, lovely pastry or an elaborate salad with delicious fresh fruit. Early in the morning, Carpe diem already greets its regular guests. The Carpe diem breakfast or the champagne breakfast have had and immediate appeal to many locals and tourists from the beginning.
At lunchtime you can have a snack, some pasta, a toast or a sandwich, always garnished with fresh vegetables and fruit. The elaborate and lovely salades are admired by lots of tourists.
The friendly staff ensure a quick service.
The tearoom has several rooms to receive up to 80 people.

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